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V4 Funnel - A re-worked replicator

A step back from the previous V3 replicator, I experimented with a couple of modelling techniques on Cinema4d. This model is really simple geometrically and for this, I am amazed just how powerful cloners are!

This way of procedural modelling allowed me to rethink the spatial organisation of the replicator. I think, for the most part the hierarchy of spaces remains the same; there was a magnetic core of which a gyroscope and spider tube (for the acoustic mechs) were adjacent. Now with this version, I thought of them as nodes. They were much smaller but their duplicity around a pentatonic form allowed for several funnelling spaces to radially organise from the core. The result is a seemingly lighter volume and an opportunity to play up repetitive elements to determine scale. 

As a final thought, I assumed the replicator be made out of as many reflective surfaces as possible to imitate and project imagery or its adjacent surroundings. It would be in constant vibration due to its rotating elements ... so much so that it even fails to fully confine its internally generated colour.