Praying Hands

The support I've had over the last couple of months have been great! I have learnt so much by just interacting with everyone on instagram/facebook/email. I have decided to join several others in the creative community by sharing my files under an open source project. I hope you learn as much as I learn in this process (yes it is still on-going). And have fun with the source files to come. 

When in doubt always define the edges. 
Its like staring straight at a wedge in a sky. 
An edge will hide the massiveness of a volume...
It will define a vector, in this case a verticality...
It often blurs the obvious notion of an iconic statement...


C4D + Octane + PSD source files free for download

Professional couch potato and magnitude participant in the vast science of thinking in nothingness. An architecture trained creative constantly questioning our everyday designed life. Currently a long time contributor to the future world in architecture.