Architecture Future Spaces for Days
Sheepairsupport communicates the possible world of Design and Architecture in hyper-future.
It is a body of work by Engeland Apostol, of architectural spaces surrounding concepts of fun, scale, architectural regeneration and facade design.
The Everydays Project
Design is a behaviour, not a body of knowledge
The sheepairsupport everydays project started in 2017 with this initial idea. What looks now to be a series of random design, accumulates to be an exhaustive image train of future architectural thought.
We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.
At the back of the McLuhan doctrine, that when the media is superseded, it becomes junk before it is regarded as art - it is also assumed that in this lifetime, machine learning would have made architectural thought obsolete. Therefore, it is acknowledged that these projects are considered low-culture (with an almost certain chance of failure), knowing that it would re-surface again as such art.
Project Files
The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village.
If you would like to know more about how I design these spaces, gain access to the 3D project files whilst supporting me - feel free to join my Patreon! I hope you learn as much as I learn in this process (yes it is still on-going). And have fun with the source files to come.