Hyper-Future | Architecture

Welcome to the Idea of Project (:) - Pixelscapes + Replicator = Virtual State

An alternative world on earth and outside earth. A man-made realm that is fully and adjacent to nature.
Its spatiality is fully deployable and collapsible.
A virtual state would allow us to dwell on the future needs in architecture.

Project Colon/:

An idea of simulated reality. While we try to  explore new territories of spaces beyond earth, we can achieve the same moving into a VR-centric age. This project is also a way to think about the need for next level temporary spaces. fully deployable and created right out of thin air. so to speak. I imagined the idea of space being manufactured or birthed from a machine. How this would be probable is that it would control physical pixels to form a new kind of landscape. One that would be adjacent to nature and allow its users to fully occupy it.

The Project (:) Book

The Project (:) Book is a compilation of works produced as part of my Masters Thesis at Oxford Brookes University, 2017

It is an exhaustive folder of drawings, text and images of how I perceived this project to be.

Format: 99 Pages, PDF

See Also

Zone5 MK3 Workbook

Works from Zone5 MK3, Oxford Brookes University 2017. Visit to see more!

Format: 32 Pages, PDF